21 August 2012

First Day of College and Giveaways Galore! :]

Hello, friends!

Just want to share with you all that I started my first day of college yesterday (Monday)...
I was super nervous of course because it's so different from high school, but it's exciting at the same time. My professors were all nice, albeit some were strict... but hey, it's college, so I wouldn't expect anything less.

School work isn't as hectic as everyone says... yet, lol.
I just have some readings to do, but it's manageable. :]

school text books
via Pinterest

So, yup, that's pretty much what's been going on with me.
I'll keep you all in the loop about my new experiences as a college girl. Wow, so weird to say that!

On a different note, there are giveaways galore going on in the blog world.
Two of them are:

Carrie's $50 Cutieshey giveaway (http://www.readmylifeascarrie.blogspot.com)


And Mimi's Spirit Ink Tattoos giveaway (http://whatmimiwrites.blogspot.com/)

Mimi also has a chocolate giveaway going on right now, you can check out my sidebar for that. :]

Well, that's it for now.
Good night, my friends!

--Olivia :)


  1. Thanks for the info, darling!
    Congrats on your first day of college!


  2. oh how fun! i'm starting college next monday. it should be exciting. oh and thank you so much for blogging about my giveaway!!! :D

    Win a $50 gift card to Cutieshey Clothing! Enter here. :)
    Want a pair of Lens Village Circle Lenses? Come and join my giveaway!


    1. No problemo, carrie! how's college going for you? :]

  3. Darling post. I am so happy that college is going well for you. I hope you have an amazing first year at college.

    Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

  4. I'm glad you're having fun at college! By the way, thanks for sharing these giveaways. :)

    P.S. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    P.P.S. Join my To Die For Jewellery Giveaway for a chance to win a feather earring. It’s boho chic!

    Lots of love, B
    Twitter | Facebook | Facebook Page

  5. good luck at the new school, take care, it will be well!:)

  6. hi, blogwalking here...
    NICE POST :)
    anyway, would you follow and visit back my blog,please?


    thanks :)

  7. hi olivia! i'm glad to hear college is going well for you! good luck with the readings and everything else! :D

    p.s. thanks for the giveaway shout out! :)

    <3, Mimi
    Mile End Bakery Giveaway: Win a dozen cookies of your choice!
    Open internationally: Win a set of temporary tattoos!
